2013年6月20日 星期四


今日執執下野,發現圖圖響一本平時畫公仔既簿仔入面畫&寫左一個小故事 ^-^,雖然文法同字都錯晒,但比起上年同時期已經進步好多(果時佢係一個文盲),好安慰!希望下年升小一可以KEEP住進步!

The Robot

One day the robot coming at the school.

And then the other day have a new robot but it is in the box. But who open it the box ?

It's our robot! "It's ours!" said the boy.

And then the other day mum and dad took the boy to the playground t!o play. And then the home have a lot of fire "Oh! No!" said the boy. "Help! Why my home have big fire? Oh! No!"

Finally they lost the home.

如果大家想知多d,add我facebook專頁啦 ^^,歡迎大家入黎傾計

